Gram pushing the girls in the swings while Coach waited in the line for the last Hay Ride of the day!

They had a Petting Zoo area and Seth was literally face to face with a Goat!

Coach with his 3 grandkids! I love that big grin on his face-he loves our kids!

Hayride time!!

Pumpkin Poses

Seth loved crawling around in the Pumpkins and rolling them around like they were balls!

Ella-I'm so glad she isn't too old to enjoy this-hopefully not for a long time!

Sophie was too busy picking out pumpkins to stop and take pictures!

So Long, he was too busy to pose for more pictures!

It was busy with 3 little ones at the Pumpkin Patch this year but Gram reminded me that last year when we went it was really Hot and I had been throwing up from being Pregnant:) I would say this year was much more fun!!
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