We spent the weekend with the Farmer's in Branson. We had a fun day at Silver Dollar City and a fun day of shopping and of course lots of eating! We all had a great time. It's been a while since I have been to Branson, we used to take lots of family trips there when we were younger so it brought back a lot of memories.

Here is a picture of Ella posing with her Aunt Sarah (Josh's wife). They had so much fun playing and laughing together. Sarah's parents went too and her Dad entertained Ella with fun Magic tricks, she is still looking for quarters in her ears. Ella loves to pick flowers these days!

Ella riding in the "Tea Cups" with Coach and Gram. Uncle Josh, Aunt Sarah, and Uncle Ben were in the next Tea Cup. Mommy sat this one out after riding several of the kiddie rides with Ella. (that must be why I only came home with a few pictures from the weekend on my camera) The kiddie rides and roller coasters seem to go faster that I remembered. Ella loves to ride all of the rides and even held her hands up in the air more than I did, it was so cute! We will definately have to go back sometime for more fun!